We Heart PSP!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tag Tutorial

The tag above is what we will be making in this tutorial

Lets get started!!

Open a new image 400x400

Copy and paste your tube as a new layer

Resize your tube so that it fits nicely to one side of your image

Add an appropriate drop shadow to your tube

My Example below:

Pick a light color from your tube and flood fill your bottom layer with this color

Duplicate your tube layer one time (click on tube layer - Layers - Duplicate)

Close the eye off on the top tube layer

Click on the bottom tube layer

Go to Adjust - Blur - Radial Blur

I used the settings below but feel free to experiment here

Open the top tube layer. You should have some blur that you can see underneath it

In your materials palette set your foreground color to a darker color from your tube

Set your background color to the color you flood filled the bottom layer with

Minimize this image to your workspace (might be a good time to save as a pspimage as well)

Open a new image 400x400

Select your preset shape tool

Use the settings below - make sure to change your line style to something other than a solid line

Draw out a rectangle in roughly the middle of your image

Not too big and not too small

Go to Objects - Align - Center in Canvas

Convert this vector layer to a raster layer

Duplicate the layer

Effects - Image effects - Offset

**Note** If your rectangle is considerably larger or smaller than mine you will need to adjust these settings

Here are the settings I used:

Offset is a great tool to use to evenly space things on a tag.

Click back on your original shape layer and duplicate it again

Effects - Image effects - Offset

This time you will use opposite vertical settings as before

Here are mine - note the vertical setting is now positive 125

Go to layers - merge - merge visible

You should have something like this

Add a drop shadow to your layer using these settings

vertical = 2

horizontal = 2

opacity = 50

blur = 6.00

color = black

Repeat this drop shadow, but change the vertical and horizontal to -2

Edit - Copy

Bring back up your original image

Edit - Paste as a new layer

For my tag, the image is too big (yours will probably be as well) so we will need to resize

Also, since my tube is on the left side I want to mirror this layer

If you are going to mirror yours, do it before you resize

I resized by 75% - Its going to depend on your tube and your tag space

Don't forget to sharpen

Selections - Select all and position this layer to the opposite side of the tag as your tube

You should have something like this

Now its time to add your accents to your boxes

You can use tubes OR brushes - its up to you!

I am using brushes on this tag

If you use tubes be sure to add a drop shadow to them

You will need to resize your accents to fit inside the middle of the boxes comfortably

Once you are happy with your accents and boxes, Layers - Merge - Merge visible

Set your materials palette back to the light and dark colors you used for the preset shapes

Image - Add borders

2 pixels dark color

2 pixels light color

24 pixels dark color

Use your magic wand to select the outer border

Effects - Texture effects - Blinds

I used these settings with the color set to my light color from the background


Go to Selections - Invert

Now the ants will be marching around the inside of your tag

Effects - 3D effects - Drop Shadow

Using these settings again

vertical = 2

horizontal = 2

opacity = 50

blur = 6.00

color = black

Repeat this drop shadow, but change the vertical and horizontal to -2

Resize the image to be under 400 pixels

Sharpen one time

Add your text and watermark

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial!

Images and layout design © KRH Designs